Upcoming events
Spend a morning getting to know the unexplored depths of your soul and your connection to the sacred! SoulCollage® is a playful, gentle, often joyful way of exploring your life and your deep self. Using cutout images from magazines, individuals create their own unique 5” X 8” cards, where each card represents a different part of themselves or their world. There is a deeper level of knowing that is accessed through images. The process combines intuition, images, and synchronicity, creating a unique, artistic experience that anyone can do. It requires no special skills, and often produces insights that are surprising and full of meaning and depth. The workshop will conclude with a journaling exercise and time for sharing. This SoulCollage® workshop is an invitation to bypass your analytical thinking brain, slow down, and step into your wisdom and creative power.
The Appleton Building, 2 North Main Street, Ipswich, MA 01938
Ph. 978.356.3989 • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.